Making NY Deli Style Pastrami

Method for making NY Deli Pastrami
Our NY Deli Pastrami cure comes in two packs (Cure and Seasoning) and you can BUY HERE
CURE - Trim the excess fat, skin and sinew from your brisket and pat dry with paper towel. With a sharp knife, pierce both the upper and lower surfaces of the brisket at about one inch 25mm intervals to allow the cure to penetrate. Place the Brisket in a non-metallic dish.
Spread the cure evenly over both sides of the brisket rubbing it into the surface and edges of the meat thoroughly. Add sugar to taste (optional).
Seal in a curing bag.
Cure in the fridge for seven days turning the bag daily. To ensure the meat is cures evenly.
When cured, remove the meat from the bag and rinse under cold running water to remove the cure.
Soak the pastrami in a dish of fresh cold water for one hour, drain and pat dry.
SEASON - Lay the brisket in a non-metallic tray. Apply the seasoning to the brisket in the ratio of one third of it on the bottom and sides with the remaining two thirds on the top forming a crust.
Hot Smoke Method – Aim to hot smoke your brisket for five hours at 125°C to 130°C aiming for an internal temperature of 72°C to 75°C. Smoke with oak or a fruit wood for best results.
Wrap the brisket tightly in foil and cook for a further 3 hours until really tender.
The Cold Smoke Method –Cook your brisket in the oven for 3 hours at 125°C to 130°C aiming for an internal temperature of 72°C to 75°C. Wrap the brisket tightly in foil and cook for a further 3 hours until really tender. Allow to cool and cold smoke with oak or a fruit wood for four hours (longer if you preferred a smokier taste).
To serve, slice Pastrami thinly across the grain.